Report: Towards carbon neutrality

Published in NEWS on April 6, 2022

The climate is reacting to a rapidly increased urbanization with temperatures rising across the globe. There is therefore a need to shift to a more sustainable way of life to reduce emissions contributing to global warming. As the first country in the world to pass an environmental protection act in 1967 and reaching its carbon emission peak in 1979, Sweden is an early pioneer in addressing emissions harmful to the environment and is seen as a global leader in the area. Swedish cities have initiated similar “Fossil Free” initiatives bringing together companies that cooperate across sectors and competitions to create the best opportunity to reach the target goals. These types of collaborations and ways of working follow the Swedish model that has enabled Sweden to become a frontrunner within sustainability.

China Sweden Hammarby Eco City Alliance has now launched report Towards Carbon Neutrality, to elaborate how Sweden’s offering for sustainable cities can support China on its path to carbon neutrality.

Click here to read and download full report.

Towards Carbon Neutrality-EN